With the launch of a new website last week, we wrapped up a multi-month project with The Gifford Foundation. Working with Adam Rozum of Adam Design, we first produced a new print piece for the foundation. With a professional and clean look, appealing photography, and carefully-constructed text, the piece presents an engaging portrait of the organization for a range of audiences. Insert sheets ensure that the main piece can be used for years to come.
Carrying forward with the design from the print piece, we designed a new WordPress website for Gifford that allows staff to easily manage content, that integrates with Gifford’s Twitter and Facebook efforts, and that offers a secure area for sharing of documents with the Board. The site’s responsive design site presents device-appropriate views for desktop, tablet, and mobile visitors. Throughout the project we paid careful attention to the range of audiences – grant seekers, funders, the media, etc. – to whom the site would be communicating.